My Post Was Removed from Medium Because I Said Men Can't Get Pregnant
And it was an anti-Trump post, too!
Hello and welcome to another episode of Culture War Writer Moves Her Publication to Substack Because Her Content was Too Spicy for Any Other Platform!
Yes, dear reader, it’s true: my post was removed from Medium and I was threatened with a permanent ban because I said men can’t get pregnant.
I’m not going to sit here and opine about free speech because if you’re here, you’ve likely heard it all before. I’m not going to sit here self-indulgently moping about my own cancelation. No, I’ve only got one goal with this inaugural post, and it’s this: I’m going to copy and paste the offending post verbatim, and I’ll let you all decide if it was a cancellable offense.
Observe, the forbidden manifesto:
It’s a day that ends in “y” in America, which means that another abominably stupid controversy has erupted about the now-verboten word “women.”
During a Capitol Hill hearing in mid-July, a Berkeley Law Professor by the name of Khiara Bridges used the phrase “people with a capacity for pregnancy” repeatedly instead of the biologically accurate term for such people. She was soon interrupted by Sen. Josh Hawley, who asked if she meant “women.”” Professor Bridges responded by scoffing at the senator and informed him that merely asking the question was “transphobic,” that it “opens up trans people to violence,” and accused Hawley of “denying that trans people exist and pretending not to know that they exist.” Throughout the entire exchange, Hawley can be seen staring incredulously at Professor Bridges.
The entire debate is utterly inane, in the way that only American discourse can be.
It’s 2022, and politicians are debating on the floor of the United States Congress whether men can get pregnant. I mean this sincerely: Thanos was right.
But since this apparently needs to be said, let’s state the obvious: no, men cannot get pregnant; no, using the word “women” to describe people of the female sex is not bigoted; no, stating these objective facts does not amount to hate. But a quick Google search for the phrase “people with the capacity to get pregnant” reveals that Professor Bridges’s worldview is quite prevalent: commentators across platforms have come out in droves to agree with her, and the HuffPost UK even went so far as to claim that the Professor “took down” Senator Hawley.
I don’t have words to describe how idiotic the world is right now, so I am going to leave it at this:
What in the cotton-eyed fuck is going on?
At this point in the story, if you haven’t killed yourself yet, you might be thinking: That Josh Hawley looks familiar — where have I seen him before?
And dear reader, you would be correct, you have seen him before! Josh Hawley is this asshole:
[image of sentient toilet Josh Hawley raising his fist at January 6th rioters]
Yep, that’s our guy, egging on the people who attempted to subvert our entire democracy on January 6.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to fill in the blanks here. (Nor a Berkeley professor, apparently.) Professor Bridges is absolutely correct about one thing: Josh Hawley’s rhetoric does lead to violence. But it’s (obviously) not his claim that only women can get pregnant; it’s his utterly false and discredited rhetoric about how the election was stolen. Reckless, treasonous politicians like Hawley and Trump got people killed by pushing the Big Lie. And yet, when the Democrats and their supporters have a platform to hold Hawley’s feet to the fire before the US Congress, they use it to…argue that men can get pregnant.
This is just one of many reasons why the Democrats are going to be massacred in November. The average American simply is not persuaded by this, and when the video of the hearing inevitably makes the rounds on Facebook and Fox News, the minimally engaged and disaffected voters we’re losing will see Josh Hawley emerge as the more rational combatant in the exchange. To them, this video will just be further proof of the fact that (what passes for) the left in America caters exclusively to upwardly mobile grad students who are completely disconnected from reality. The GOP set the trap here, and we walked right into it.
Let me put it to you like this: human beings evolved to be bipedal, meaning we evolved to have two legs. My grandfather, due to years of health problems, only had one leg. If I tell you that human beings evolved to be bipedal, you’d never accuse me of claiming that my grandfather wasn’t human. You’d recognize that there are exceptions to every rule, and that my grandfather was simply a human being with one leg.
Similarly, the existence of people who feel discomfort with their birth sex doesn’t mean we as a species didn’t evolve to be sexually dimorphic: one sex impregnates while the other is impregnated. Again, there are exceptions to this, such as women who can’t get pregnant; but they do not change the fact that thousands of years of evolution have created a near-perfect system for human reproduction that involves an egg and sperm and no third option.
A female bovine is called a cow; a female deer is called a doe; a female human is called a woman. Some biological men wish they were women, and some biological women wish they were men; and I wholeheartedly support their right to live their lives however they choose. But men are men, and women are women; and when Democrats pretend we don’t understand basic human biology to appease .0001% of the population, we are asking the GOP to rule for years to come. Particularly traitorous insurrections like Hawley.
If we’re to defeat these lunatics, then the Democrats — and I’m referring both to politicians and to voters in a position of influence, like journalists, professors, celebrities, and CEOs — need to stop picking the dumbest battles imaginable and get back to talking about healthcare. Otherwise, we’ll keep getting slaughtered at the polling booth — and as Lindsey Graham famously said of his own party, we will deserve it.
Also, Thanos 2024.
Welp, there you have it. I really don’t think I said anything too offensive (or, uh, even remotely incorrect?), but because questioning any aspect of gender ideology is forbidden now, the post was removed.
So now I’m here. I’ll be popping in weekly to drop some gender truth bombs, sardonic culture war criticism, and occasionally some photos of my adorable puppy, so hit that ‘subscribe’ button and join the party. And tune into next week’s episode to learn why I’m a total hypocrite about student debt forgiveness.
"There are four lights." -- Jean Luc Picard
Followed you from Medium. Enjoy your perspective and will continue reading. Hate that it's come to this, but I can see why you switched. The amount of anti-racist racism is suffocating at times, and despite avoiding it, it fills my feed.